Massage can greatly help you de-stress, and being more relaxed could definitely help you get pregnant. Stress is an inevitable aspect of life, and human bodies are designed to deal with it. In regards to becoming pregnant, though, being worried or stressed all of the time might lower your fertility.
Long-term stress may impair ovulation in women. You could not release an egg at all or later in the cycle than you thought. It may also cause irregular periods or alter the duration of the monthly cycle. This might make determining when you are ovulating and the optimal time to have intercourse more challenging.
Stress may likewise alter how sperm and testosterone are produced, as well as how sperm develop and mature in males. Long-term stress might also lead to impotence.
Furthermore, the more stressed you are, the more it will influence the relationship and make you less likely to want to have sex. There are a variety of reasons why decreasing your level of stress may help you conceive.
When you’re stressed, your body produces a lot of cortisol, which is a stress hormone. According to certain studies, getting a pregnancy massage helps lower cortisol levels in the body. A pregnancy massage may also help you relax by lowering the blood pressure and pulse rate, as well as altering your brain activity
Massage is risk-free, and if you believe it could help, it’s worth a go. Massage treatment comes in a variety of forms, but they all help you by:
Warming and soothing the skin and muscles by boosting the quantity of oxygen and blood traveling to the massaged regions.
Before beginning the massage, the fertility specialist should inquire about your medical records and any symptoms you are experiencing. Light-touch massage is preferred by some, while deep-tissue massage is preferred by others. A fertility specialist can explain the differences and assist you in deciding what is best for you.
Most therapists utilize oil as a carrier for an essential oil if you are getting an aromatherapy massage, or to make the massage strokes gentler on your skin.
Because touch might be therapeutic, other hands-on treatments, such as reflexology, may provide similar advantages as massage.
How Pregnancy Massage Works
Massage has always been used to assist women to enhance their fertility and maintain a healthy uterus for ages. Understanding the woman’s reproductive anatomy is necessary to comprehend how a pregnancy massage works. A pregnancy massage will have an impact on three primary fertility organs. The fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries are among them.
Uterine Massage
The uterus is found lower to the pelvic cavity, and posterior to the bladder. A pregnancy massage done by expert fertility specialists is beneficial to a uterus that becomes tilted, is squashed by feces-impacted intestines, and lacks healthy blood circulation. There are many reasons why the uterus does not receive adequate circulation
The primary artery that feeds blood to the uterus also supplies blood to the legs. Circulation might be affected if you live a sedentary or stressful lifestyle. Twisted fallopian tubes, tight fascia, scar tissue, congestion, endometrial tissues, inflammation, or previous operations to the region are all possible causes of poor uterine circulation, thus lowering fertility levels.
Ovary Massage
The ovaries are positioned adjacent to the pelvic bone anterior to the uterus. By delivering new nutrients and oxygenated blood to the eggs, a pregnancy massage may aid the ovaries.
Fallopian Tube Massage
Your fallopian tubes are connected to the uterus on both sides. A pregnancy massage may aid in the clearing of clogged tubes and the loosening of the reproductive system’s scar tissue.