Dental implants, just like its smaller counterpart, the mini dental implants are designed to replace missing teeth. However, unlike other teeth replacement options, dental implants will require surgery. Understandably, not everyone is a good candidate for the conventional dental implants or mini dental implants.
Dental implants are permanent and are considered one of the best ways to replace missing teeth. After all, dental implants will function as tooth roots and the artificial teeth will be designed to look, feel, and function like the natural teeth. No wonder they have been the preferred option of many people for many years now.
Are You Good Candidate for Dental Implants
In most cases, patients are qualified to get dental implants. However, if you have any of the following conditions or habits, you need to check with your dentist first.
You are a heavy smoker.
If you are a heavy smoker, your risk of experiencing dental implant failure is way higher compared to your counterparts who don’t smoke. In line with this, you might be asked to give up the unhealthy habit before you are considered a good candidate for the dental implant procedure.
You have untreated gum disease.
Untreated and unmanaged gum disease can cause damage to the tooth, bone, and gingiva. Before you are given the go-signal to proceed with the dental implants procedure. The gum disease needs to be treated first before you can be considered a good candidate for dental implants.
You have poor health.
The dental implant procedure will require sutures and incisions so it is important that you are healthy enough to go through with the surgery.
You have uncontrolled diabetes.
If you have uncontrolled diabetes, you need to have the condition treated accordingly by your primary care physician before you can pursue dental implant surgery. It is important that uncontrolled diabetes might hinder the proper healing of the surgical wound.
You have had radiation therapy.
If you have undergone radiation therapy in the neck or face area, you will not be considered a good candidate for the dental implant procedure. Again, it is recommended that you check with your doctor first.
You are taking certain medications.
Some medications can increase your risk during the dental implant procedure. These medications can include blood thinners and steroids.
You are pregnant.
If you are pregnant, you need to wait until you have given birth to undergo dental implants.
You are too young.
If you are still young, your jaws are still developing. As such, you are not considered a good candidate for the procedure.
You have low bone density.
While patients with low bone density might be considered likely candidates for mini dental implants, they are not considered great candidates for those patients with severe atrophy. Patients with severe atrophy will require bone grafting before the dental implant procedure can be carried out.
Ways to Improve Your Dental Implant Candidacy
If you are not considered a good candidate for dental implants for one reason or another, it is reassuring to know that there are several ways you can improve your chances. Below are some of the common treatment options used by dentists to improve your chances of qualifying for dental implant procedure:
- Bone graft: This procedure can strengthen areas that are deficient, allowing for the safe placement of both conventional or mini dental implants.
- Sinus lift: This procedure is required when the sinus membrane drops down and ends up invading the area where the implant is supposed to be placed. Just like bone grafts, sinus lift will require several months to heal.
- Gum disease treatment: Once the gum disease is properly managed, patients may be given the go signal to undergo dental implant surgery.